Monday, November 29, 2010

where oh where is autumn?

We keep waiting and waiting for fall to arrive... and it just doesn't come. Well, we had a week of fall, but then it was summer again. They say it's going to be fall again at the end of this week. We'll see. :0) The leaves are falling though, and the kids LOVE to collect them and show us each and every leaf. It seems each one is more exciting than the last and then they're excited about how many they've collected. B likes to say, "We got a whole bunch of it." Hee hee!

Here are some more pics of the kids that haven't made it online yet. I'm playing catch-up on blogging today and just trying to cover the months I've missed. My goal is to put something fresh up every couple of weeks or at least once a month.

Here's E' looking cute!

N finally likes bike-riding.

While N rides, the rest of us walk along. J wanted to bring her baby doll along since I had E in the stroller.

E is sooo impressed with textures. She loves soft things, but a new texture is fun too. She loved touching the grass!

J keeps trying to hit that ball every time. B is much more consistent at it, but J doesn't give up trying. N prefers to turn the bat upside down and pretend it's a guitar :0)

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