B' turned two the last week of April! Nope, we still didn't have a big party - we just celebrated with us and Nana (my mom) after church the day before his bday. We'll save inviting friends for when he's 5 and mature enough to appreciate it for more than a half hour :0).
He's such a big boy! He's talking more and more everyday; impressing us with new phrases we didn't think he understood yet. He's already wearing 3T size clothes!!! He's tall for his 2 years and stocky too. He's not chubby though -- he's solid muscle with the strength to match. If only he knew how strong. When he runs to hug my leg, I have to brace for impact! And B' continues to be all heart. He lays on your lap, pats you (more like a smack) to make you feel better, and asks "wha's madder?" if you stop smiling. He has a serious throwing arm and can't wait for daddy to walk in the door after work so that he can grab the nearest ball and yell "daddy catch!" Apparently this game is no fun with mommy who only catches the ball 50% of the time. B' prefers a good catcher on the other end of his throws ;0) He'll say, "mommy missed. Sokay mommy," while looking oh so sad for me. (He says "sokay" instead of "it's okay.") Hee hee!
He's really gifted in the area of hand-eye coordination. He has a great arm for throwing the softball, kicks the soccer ball hard and straight, and is working on mastering a nice football toss. So far basketballs and golf balls (they have some wiffle balls to play with) are mostly used for playing catch. He naturally keeps his elbow up and uses his whole arm to throw; follow-through and all. Not bad for what comes naturally - we haven't taught him.
B' is wonderful. It doesn't seem like two years have passed already! In honor of his love for sports balls, I made him a sport ball cake :0) Fun! It was super easy. I skipped being artistic with frosting this time and just printed some clip art onto white cardstock on the printer, taped toothpicks to them like signs, and stuck them in the 8" round layer cake which was small enough to fit on a regular plate. YAY! Benjamin named them all for us: "soccuh ball," "football," "bay ball," "badket ball." I love what they come up with when they're still acquiring language!
Thank you Lord for blessing us with this soft hearted, strong handed, amazing little boy!
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