Wednesday, March 4, 2009

getting started

Call me a "joiner" if you will, but it's a great idea so I'm joining the ranks of bloggers out there. We have lots of out-of-town family who would be blessed by hearing regular updates and seeing some of the zillion pictures we snap of the kids. I don't know how well it will work for me, but my goal is just to update at least weekly so that everyone can watch our little wonders grow!

So what's the latest funny around here? The cicadas have started chirping. Not surprising for spring in Texas, but they are especially LOUD this year. They are soooo loud that N. and J. keep asking us at twilight, "what's that sound?" I explained and explained about the cicadas making sounds like crickets, but N. wasn't satisfied 'til I told him that cicadas love to get together and go out at night; so when the sun starts going down they start making their plans for the evening. I know, totally made up... but he went for it and now he's satisfied that the incredibly shrill din they're making is all about dinner and party plans for the evening - cicada style!


J said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! What a great way to stay connected. Esp with photos. That's a hint you know. ;) Will be checking in with you here often. It's still no substitute for a phone conversation though. Love to all of you!

The Dallas Highlands said...

that's HILARIOUS! Btw, I LOVE this shot of you guys! VERY nice!