The Dallas Arboretum hosts their Dallas Blooms event every March. The whole botanical garden is decked out in tulips and the "springiest" of flowers. My sister, Wendy, and I gathered our cuties and headed out to enjoy the flowers. She has a 6 y/o and 4 y/o twins - all girls. Then we had our two boys and miss ma'am. It was a gorgeous day and everyone slipped on a fresh, shiny, good mood for this outing! Praise the Lord! I put B' and J' in the stroller and let N' try walking for an entire outing for the first time. He did a really great job on foot - what a big boy! We had a fabulous time.
This year's theme is "Storybook Houses." Different design firms in the city volunteered to create a concept house based on a child's story book. They are constructed throughout the grounds. Our kiddos haven't read or heard some of the stories they had houses for, but they still had a blast in each structure. N's favorite was the Peter Pan House which was a full-out pirate ship with masts and everything. We haven't let them see or read Peter Pan, but he was thrilled about "driving" the ship!
J' loved the Alice in Wonderland House the best. We haven't read or seen that one either, but she was intrigued because it had several doorways in various sizes. We spent a WHILE at that house, letting the kids try out all the different doorways. B' mostly enjoyed the grass :0)
Naturally, we all loved the flowers best. We saw several varieties of spring-blooming flowers, countless colors, and even met a couple of friendly lady bugs and a leaf crawler :0)
(If you want to see any of the pics larger, just click on them and you'll get a full screen view!)