Saturday, October 5, 2013

Yep, I'm Still Alive ;0)

Ok so it should NOT take two years for a girl to drop a new post. I didn't forget, just didn't prioritize. Homeschooling, ministry, marriage, life in Christ, and the occasional attempt to sleep have all taken precedence over blogging.

So here we are... This summer hubs and I slipped away for three days to spend some married people time. This was the first time we stole away together sine our honeymoon other than a couple of out-of-town weddings PT officiated before we started baby-making. I teased PT that at a rate of once every 11 years, this whole get-away thing is very economical! Thanks a million are owed and were given to Mom and Pop (my amazing in-laws!) for kid-keeping so we could go mid-week and not miss a Sunday! Yay! 

(A waitress at the place we were staying snapped this shot for us after dinner one night.)

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