How can it be? Our youngest little arrow celebrates turning ONE YEAR old today! Wasn't she just born? Wow! E' is amazing! She just started crawling a couple of weeks ago, so she's in no hurry to stop being our baby. She's into soft solid foods and has 1 and half teeth (the second tooth is still on it's way out).
Her personality is all JOY just like her mommy's! She doesn't really cry or fuss unless she's hungry or needs a diaper change. She loves to discover new things -- anything really :0) -- a scrap of paper found on the floor is a major treasure to E! She loves to talk! She says, "mom mom," "daddy," "kitty cat," "Nee-my-uh" (when she's calling biggest brother), "Ju-ah" (when she wants her sister), "Nana," "Yes," and her newest words, "Hi," and "uh oh." Ha! She doesn't say B's name yet. She just points or pulls on his pant leg :0)
I love watching her sibs love on her! Eszi (ya know how I have to nickname!) is pure delight! I marvel at the way people smile when she captures their eye. I am forever handing her off to someone we meet who just wants to cuddle her for a minute. She's in ministry already, dispensing love and JOY with her adorable smile and sparkling eyes wherever she goes!
Thank you Lord for the wonder of your creation as we watch E' grow into a beautiful little girl. May she come to understand and desire a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, so that her eternity might be spent glorifying You! And may that desire come to fruition soon and very soon!
as we welcomed this little masterpiece into our world...
ohh... and about the blog... I know I'm sooo slow and terrible about posting regularly! It's my heart intention to post at least once a month. Sorry I missed posting Christmas pics and winter pics... I have some that may appear in the next few weeks just 'cause they're cute, but I won't promise :0/ Thanks for extending grace as I endeavor to do better and be more consistent! -- all JOY, t...