Homemade granola squares... Much more work than anticipated... But super yummy!
little arrows at play
"Behold, children are a gift of the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them..." Psalm 127: 3-5
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Big Kids
We went to the prince and princess birthday party of a sweet friend this summer... Here are the kids in their party-favor get-ups! (The girls wore "fancy" dresses since it was a princess party... we took these just after we returned home.)
Yep, I'm Still Alive ;0)
Ok so it should NOT take two years for a girl to drop a new post. I didn't forget, just didn't prioritize. Homeschooling, ministry, marriage, life in Christ, and the occasional attempt to sleep have all taken precedence over blogging.
So here we are... This summer hubs and I slipped away for three days to spend some married people time. This was the first time we stole away together sine our honeymoon other than a couple of out-of-town weddings PT officiated before we started baby-making. I teased PT that at a rate of once every 11 years, this whole get-away thing is very economical! Thanks a million are owed and were given to Mom and Pop (my amazing in-laws!) for kid-keeping so we could go mid-week and not miss a Sunday! Yay!
(A waitress at the place we were staying snapped this shot for us after dinner one night.)
Saturday, March 10, 2012
tiny highlights... 2011
Oh my goodness... how did I manage to let ELEVEN months pass by without updating our family blog??? We started this blog a few years ago to help far away family and friends to stay connected to what's happening: to allow them to watch our "little arrows" grow. Please forgive me for not posting even a single picture in the last year (ok, 11 months, but it might as well have been a year).
I think to post something on the blog soooo often but it doesn't make the priority cut-off by the end of most days when it comes down to the last load of dishes to wash, a chance to hit that last bit of ministry work, spending a few more minutes with my super sweet husband, oh and trying to go to SLEEP!
Still, I am going to give it one more try before I give up altogether. So, to that end, here's a quick few pics taken throughout 2011 and a few precious moments pulled from my mommy journal so you can see the kids grow.
some SPRING 2011 PICS:
Here are the kids playing in the backyard. There's a funny story in this pic and I don't mean N with the toy dump truck bed on his head... I had the brilliant idea to write the Fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23) on the back fence with sidewalk chalk, assuming that at the first rain it would wash away. It didn't. It rained several times. But, that sidewalk chalk didn't budge. Then I tried to just brush it away with a broom. Nope. It was set in for sure. FINALLY I had to get a bucket, a stiff brush, AND soap and scrub the words off of the fence. If I had written them more neatly, I would have left them up there, but it wasn't my neatest. The chalk did wash off but so did several years of fence dirt. So, even a full year later, the "clean" spots on the fence remain visible. Lol! Oh well! I do NOT intend to scrub the entire fence!
The annual battle on the living room floor. We move the couch off the blank wall, spread a white sheet on the floor, open all the blinds, position the camera, and then I hit that 10 second timer button and the fun begins. An hour and half later we usually find one pic on the camera that we're satisfied with 'cause the kids are all out of sit and smile power!
Mommy and her four on the first 76 degree day of the spring... Daddy was behind the camera. (Pardon my house-shoes... it was after church and I had already shed the less comfy shoes and the little white shrug that covered my shoulders that day.)
J dancing in her beloved boots! We had to buy new boots for her bday 2012 because she outgrew this pair in November of 2011 and what a sad few months those were. She actually had to wear other shoes! :0)
The boys working on their "collection." It's a bucket on the back porch full of leaves, sticks, acorns and rocks. Yep. It makes them happy and the bucket has a lid, so nothing else gets in there, which makes this anti-bug momma happy.
Esther throws her head back when she laughs. It's not so bad when she's sitting, but when she's standing she sometimes throws it back so hard that she knocks herself off balance and tips over. This, of course, leads to more laughing!
Esther loves to pull containers out of the recycling trash. Oh well, cheap fun, and it's all washed out before it goes in there anyway.

Nana and Esther on Nehemiah's 6th bday. No party, just us and nana for this one. We made party hats though!

N's bday gift: a bike his legs fit... we waited way too long to move him up bike sizes. Oops.. he's so much more comfy and much faster on his bigger bike.

The kids took 12 weeks of swim lessons from our dear friend Jordan this summer. Even Esther learned survival skills in case she falls into water. YAY! (She had fallen on the sidewalk the day before this pic was taken... even with scratches, isn't she CUTE! :0)

Fall... and our first trip to the State Fair of Texas! Who knew they'd like it sooooo much! This was at an exhibit that taught how produce is grown on farms and then arrives in a store. 30 minutes to go through, and lots of steps and teaching activities... they learned a LOT!
some Summer and Fall 2011 pics:
Nana and Esther on Nehemiah's 6th bday. No party, just us and nana for this one. We made party hats though!
N's bday gift: a bike his legs fit... we waited way too long to move him up bike sizes. Oops.. he's so much more comfy and much faster on his bigger bike.
The kids took 12 weeks of swim lessons from our dear friend Jordan this summer. Even Esther learned survival skills in case she falls into water. YAY! (She had fallen on the sidewalk the day before this pic was taken... even with scratches, isn't she CUTE! :0)
Fall... and our first trip to the State Fair of Texas! Who knew they'd like it sooooo much! This was at an exhibit that taught how produce is grown on farms and then arrives in a store. 30 minutes to go through, and lots of steps and teaching activities... they learned a LOT!
Flying at the fair!
SWEET MOMENTS of our 2011 (praise the Lord for my mommy journal or I'd have no idea):
- (March 2011) Nehemiah asking for manilla paper to draw on: "Can I have some vanilla paper?"
- (May 2011) Esther took her first steps on May 5 and was a fully independent walker by May 15! What a cutie! I love those early steps (even if it takes til you're 13 months old to see them)!
- (June 2011) Judah says, matter of factly, "I think Gypsy (the cat) is in her glitter box." (I loved that one so much that I didn't even correct it til the third time it came up!)
- (June 2011) Benjamin is "all boy" so much so that he wipes kisses off with his hand most of the time. So, he crawled up in my lap on the couch one night and kissed my cheek. He looked up at me for a minute, then said, "I like it when you kiss my cheeky. I won't wipe it off. Really, I won't." What a sweet way for him to say he loves me!
- (August 2011) Judah and Benjamin both prayed the prayer of salvation, just one week apart! On a drizzly Saturday morning, (Aug 13, 2011) Benjamin rode with me to a Christian charter school closing sale to look at the available curriculum they had available. On the way, he asked me about Jesus and the cross so we discussed the topic as we had countless times before. At the end of our talk, as always, I asked him if he'd like to pray to ask Jesus to be his forever friend, his Lord and Savior, so that he could spend his forever in heaven with Jesus. And this time he said, "Yes, I would like to pray that." So when I parked the car, we stepped out, squatted in a drizzly parking lot, held hands and prayed a prayer of salvation!
- Judah prayed a prayer of salvation a week later on August 19, 2011. Benjamin and Nehemiah had spent the week talking with her about asking Jesus to be their forever friend. She had questions all week about it and asked to pray with me one afternoon following our school time. What an amazing and JOYFUL thing it is to watch your children change from lost and condemned to eternal separation from God, to FOUND in Christ and eternity with King Jesus!
Love and JOY,
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
How can it be? Our youngest little arrow celebrates turning ONE YEAR old today! Wasn't she just born? Wow! E' is amazing! She just started crawling a couple of weeks ago, so she's in no hurry to stop being our baby. She's into soft solid foods and has 1 and half teeth (the second tooth is still on it's way out).
Her personality is all JOY just like her mommy's! She doesn't really cry or fuss unless she's hungry or needs a diaper change. She loves to discover new things -- anything really :0) -- a scrap of paper found on the floor is a major treasure to E! She loves to talk! She says, "mom mom," "daddy," "kitty cat," "Nee-my-uh" (when she's calling biggest brother), "Ju-ah" (when she wants her sister), "Nana," "Yes," and her newest words, "Hi," and "uh oh." Ha! She doesn't say B's name yet. She just points or pulls on his pant leg :0)
I love watching her sibs love on her! Eszi (ya know how I have to nickname!) is pure delight! I marvel at the way people smile when she captures their eye. I am forever handing her off to someone we meet who just wants to cuddle her for a minute. She's in ministry already, dispensing love and JOY with her adorable smile and sparkling eyes wherever she goes!
Thank you Lord for the wonder of your creation as we watch E' grow into a beautiful little girl. May she come to understand and desire a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, so that her eternity might be spent glorifying You! And may that desire come to fruition soon and very soon!
as we welcomed this little masterpiece into our world...
ohh... and about the blog... I know I'm sooo slow and terrible about posting regularly! It's my heart intention to post at least once a month. Sorry I missed posting Christmas pics and winter pics... I have some that may appear in the next few weeks just 'cause they're cute, but I won't promise :0/ Thanks for extending grace as I endeavor to do better and be more consistent! -- all JOY, t...
Monday, February 28, 2011
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
girls girls girls
Eszi is getting older every minute! Here are some of her super cutest recent pics!
Sweet B' LOVES to play with E beside him. He asks us to bring her over and he'll pat the spot where he wants her to sit. She just started sitting this week by the way, but I haven't taken a good pic yet.
N loves for her to wear this outfit because it has so many shades of blue which is currently his signature color!
J' likes to choose her look for the day. She's bold, creative, courageous and ALL J!!! Here's a particularly bright look ;0) It did all match, so what could I say. You go girl! Work it! hee hee!
I needed to trim J's ends. The split ends had taken over and were impeding growth, but with super curly hair that doesn't even straighten when wet, it was easier to flat iron it and then trim the ends. So, she was pressed and smooth-curled for a day. So cute.
You may have noticed a serious lack of B' pics on the blog... I really do try to take pics of B', but he rarely sits still and he has no desire to pose, so pics of him tend to look like blurs, the back of his head as he high-tails it away, him sleeping, or he's making weird faces. I'm working on it though!
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